Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, Saiterm you should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission
What is sayterm?
Saiterm will be included for production and distribution of heating systems. The development of this system, which will be produced by Saiterm, is called SPRING, offering a derivative that uses advanced financial and industrial technologies to produce and distribute highly demanded product, as absolutely necessary and meeting future global changes. needs in terms of energy efficiency and human well-being.

Thanks to more than thirty years of experience and creativity of our technical staff, from the very beginning we were able to become leaders in the field of technology in the domestic heating sector, as well as in some industrial applications, in particular for finishing and drying. leather cycles, with extremely effective and innovative results. This was made possible through the harmonious and productive coexistence of completely different types of thinking and experience.

Different, but having much in common, such as a vision of the future and a desire to meet and overcome the challenges that it can present, and sometimes even anticipate them, as is the case with Spring and Radiant, our current core technology. The experience of our team in specific sectors, as well as their energy and ability to innovate, allow us to best meet a variety of needs.

In fact, the ideas that prevailed during the development stages of our heating products belonged to those who were most concerned with the comfort of life, energy efficiency and design.

To this end, in order to promote well-being, it has been improved to fit its environment and efficiency. When products were developed for the industrial sectors, Saiterm was dominated by an idea that was sensitive to work, productivity, profits, and employee safety, as well as simplicity and user friendliness.

Objectives Example Saiterm's main goal is to promote well-being, it has been improved to fit its environment and inefficiencies.
We strive to develop advanced technology products designed to reduce energy consumption and emissions.


On the blockchain platform, we will use our infrared heating technology to enable consumers to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in industrial and domestic use.

The production process will be fully automated to ensure the distribution of 20,000 source products, which will allow us to reach at least 800,000 products a year over the next 5 years. This should only partially satisfy the global demand for efficient heating systems. Suffice it to say that already on 90 square meters of an apartment consisting of 5 rooms, it will be necessary to install at least 5 Saiterm Spring units. Taking into account the economic advantage of the purchase, as well as the very high savings obtained by reducing energy consumption, we can consider 800,000 panels per year as an absolutely conservative and limited estimate. In fact, with 800,000 panels divided into 5 rooms, only 160,000 apartments in the world can be built. Direct investment in the project will be made by purchasing Saiterm Spring options,

With the help of the blockchain, we strive to achieve greater transparency, greater traceability, improved efficiency and speed, and lower costs in order to reduce electricity bills.

Saiterm Token (SAIEX) is a service token that controls access to various services available on the Saiterm platform. SAIEX is compatible with the ERC20 standard, and its smart contract is constantly updated to provide a fixed price (1 SAIEX = 1 US dollar).

SAIEX tokens will be traded on the stock exchange, and since our sector is constantly expanding and is expected to continue growing in the next few years, we expect its value to grow over time. Paying our products with SAIEX tokens will be very easy. This will make SAIEX Tokens a popular currency in all markets around the world. In addition, if the Company is entitled to an IPO, you can exchange SAIEX tokens for the Company's shares.

Homeowners will soon be able to reduce their energy bills using Saiterm's revolutionary infrared heating technology. Our technology company based in Amsterdam develops heating products with the long-term goal of reducing domestic energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Token Information
  • Name: SAIEX Token
  • Symbol: SAIEX
  • Token total supply: 100 000 000
  • Decimals: 18
  • Reserved for ICO: 50 000 000
  • Soft Cap/Goal: 1M USD
  • Hard cap: 50M USD
  • Token standard: EIP/ERC-20 compatible
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Mintable: no (no more tokens can be created)
  • Burnable: yes (unsold token will be burned)

This will allow those who obtained the bonuses a concrete, expendable or salable value. In fact, Saiterm has built the SAIEX crypt because, it will not only be stable in Exchange, but above all, because its initial value will increase with the passing of the years for the new technology that will be introduced into the world market.

To get more relevant details from the Saiterm project or join social media and sales crowds, please follow some sources for the following references:

Author : aa aep

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