Selasa, 18 Februari 2020


About AoSPooling: Art of Science REALKOYN: Real Assets - Real Profits

Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don't make it to an exchange
This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don't have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well - we get it done.

Expertise: We've done it
Character: Character counts
Support: You are not alone
Security: We are cautious
Transparency: Don't guess, know
Credentials: Qualified by others

Partner with AoS, a top tier organization and let us help you navigate through the dynamic crypto terrain.

About 15% of cryptocurency tokens are profitable. We have discovered the pitfalls and how to cross them. The returns of crypto cannot be beat, so it is completely worth the journey. Join us and capitalize on our expertise.

Unvetted Projects (this is where we help most) 78%

Failed 4%
Quit 3%

We are not trying to understand all this. Much of this has already been clarified. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with hard-earned money from people. Our goal is to use all our combined experience to build your assets.

Most of our team works under licenses, in which the state verification is an inevitable reality. This gives us an advantage over competitors who did not work in such conditions. You don't want to pay for them to understand this.

You will know exactly the status of your coin. You will have access to everything you need to know, and much more so that you are always up to date. We believe in the marriage of new school technology and old school values.

Scarcity gives value
Our investments are based on a shortage of material assets, therefore it will always matter. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are the main goals; Real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.

Blockchain is the future of the Internet
Internet of things is integrated with blockchain technology. Many call the blockchain the biggest thing since the internet age. Savvy investors are looking forward and getting ready for the next iteration.

Timing is everything
The most important thing is not what you invest, but when you invest in it. Blockchain technology, including cryptocurrency, is mature, and when the space is completely quiet, the return will act accordingly. Because most large technology companies and many non-technical companies invest large resources in the blockchain, this opportunity will be limited.

We have an answer
Most cryptocurrency is only supported by good faith. Our capabilities are supported by value stores. Using the oldest assets on the planet (the planet itself, e.g., Earth, minerals, etc.) and technology that changes the game, we create something we have never seen before.

Real Koyn (RKYN) - current AoS offer, win with us
Real estate is as "real" as it gets. By collecting property, your token gets a profit. With so many tokens that can never be traded, work with groups that have established relationships to ensure the exchange of your tokens. Our goal is to grow your money.

Multi stages are better for early arrivals
● 20%: reserve
● 60%: real estate assets
● 5%: airdrop
● 2%: participants and consultants
● 10%: founder
● 3%: generosity and marketing

With a mix of property types, we can find the best deals.

● 10%: industry
● 10%: land
● 35%: multi-family
● 25%: housing
● 20%: commercial

Most of the funds are related to project acquisition
● 5%: marketing
● 85%: approval of real estate, security, development, sales
● 10%: administration, operation, law

First round - 20% bonus
● Start date: February 14
● End date: February 21
● Token price: $ 0.10

Second Half - 15% bonus
● Start date: February 22
● End date: February 29
● Token price: $ 0.15

Third Final - 10% Bonus
● Start date: March 1
● End date: March 7
● Token price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% Bonus
● Start date: March 8
● End date: March 15
● Token price: $ 0

Multi stages are better for early arrivals
● 20%: reserve
● 60%: real estate assets
● 5%: airdrop
● 2%: participants and consultants
● 10%: founder
● 3%: generosity and marketing

With a mix of property types, we can find the best deals.

● 10%: industry
● 10%: land
● 35%: multi-family
● 25%: housing
● 20%: commercial

Most of the funds are related to project acquisition
● 5%: marketing
● 85%: approval of real estate, security, development, sales
● 10%: administration, operation, law

First round - 20% bonus
● Start date: February 14
● End date: February 21
● Token price: $ 0.10

Second Half - 15% bonus
● Start date: February 22
● End date: February 29
● Token price: $ 0.15

Third Final - 10% Bonus
● Start date: March 1
● End date: March 7
● Token price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% Bonus
● Start date: March 8
● End date: March 15
● Token price: $ 0

● APRIL 2018
Organizational Development
Make offers including Legal and Whitepaper

● July 2018
First team selection
Identify key team members, reach and location.

● September 2018
Core development team
To organize a team for the successful raising and planning and development of the project in the future.

● January 2019
Beta Social Development Network
We began to develop the concept and architecture of our response to gaps in social networks.

● MARCH 2019
Community development
Advocacy in the crypto world, including all major crypto media and channels.

● July 2019
Social Network Beta Development B
Proceed to the next stage of development of our social network.

● November 2019
Development and training team
Correctly recruit and post new members and prepare for launch.

● January 2020
Media, PR and Community Engagement
PR launch and blitz through social networks.

● January 2020
Raise funds with pre-sales bonuses and discounts, motivating investors.

Continue fundraising through stage 4 of the ICO.

● MARCH 2020
Continue to raise funds through IEO with a carefully selected partner.

● April 2020
Stock listing
After considering the exchange options, we will conclude an agreement and make a list on several exchanges.

● JUN 2020
Project start
Our team will research, identify, analyze and defend projects that meet our criteria.

● JULY 2020
Social network site completed
Members will benefit from a holistic online community.

Frederick Lund
Rubab arshad
Sean breezendin
Hamza khan
Daryl Naidu
Jc wren
Nick gray
Kenneth Jones

For more detailed information see the links below:

Author : kemi123
Bitcointalk :;u=2692033
ETH : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

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