Selasa, 18 Februari 2020


About AoSPooling: Art of Science REALKOYN: Real Assets - Real Profits

Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don't make it to an exchange
This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don't have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well - we get it done.

Expertise: We've done it
Character: Character counts
Support: You are not alone
Security: We are cautious
Transparency: Don't guess, know
Credentials: Qualified by others

Partner with AoS, a top tier organization and let us help you navigate through the dynamic crypto terrain.

About 15% of cryptocurency tokens are profitable. We have discovered the pitfalls and how to cross them. The returns of crypto cannot be beat, so it is completely worth the journey. Join us and capitalize on our expertise.

Unvetted Projects (this is where we help most) 78%

Failed 4%
Quit 3%

We are not trying to understand all this. Much of this has already been clarified. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with hard-earned money from people. Our goal is to use all our combined experience to build your assets.

Most of our team works under licenses, in which the state verification is an inevitable reality. This gives us an advantage over competitors who did not work in such conditions. You don't want to pay for them to understand this.

You will know exactly the status of your coin. You will have access to everything you need to know, and much more so that you are always up to date. We believe in the marriage of new school technology and old school values.

Scarcity gives value
Our investments are based on a shortage of material assets, therefore it will always matter. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are the main goals; Real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.

Blockchain is the future of the Internet
Internet of things is integrated with blockchain technology. Many call the blockchain the biggest thing since the internet age. Savvy investors are looking forward and getting ready for the next iteration.

Timing is everything
The most important thing is not what you invest, but when you invest in it. Blockchain technology, including cryptocurrency, is mature, and when the space is completely quiet, the return will act accordingly. Because most large technology companies and many non-technical companies invest large resources in the blockchain, this opportunity will be limited.

We have an answer
Most cryptocurrency is only supported by good faith. Our capabilities are supported by value stores. Using the oldest assets on the planet (the planet itself, e.g., Earth, minerals, etc.) and technology that changes the game, we create something we have never seen before.

Real Koyn (RKYN) - current AoS offer, win with us
Real estate is as "real" as it gets. By collecting property, your token gets a profit. With so many tokens that can never be traded, work with groups that have established relationships to ensure the exchange of your tokens. Our goal is to grow your money.

Multi stages are better for early arrivals
● 20%: reserve
● 60%: real estate assets
● 5%: airdrop
● 2%: participants and consultants
● 10%: founder
● 3%: generosity and marketing

With a mix of property types, we can find the best deals.

● 10%: industry
● 10%: land
● 35%: multi-family
● 25%: housing
● 20%: commercial

Most of the funds are related to project acquisition
● 5%: marketing
● 85%: approval of real estate, security, development, sales
● 10%: administration, operation, law

First round - 20% bonus
● Start date: February 14
● End date: February 21
● Token price: $ 0.10

Second Half - 15% bonus
● Start date: February 22
● End date: February 29
● Token price: $ 0.15

Third Final - 10% Bonus
● Start date: March 1
● End date: March 7
● Token price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% Bonus
● Start date: March 8
● End date: March 15
● Token price: $ 0

Multi stages are better for early arrivals
● 20%: reserve
● 60%: real estate assets
● 5%: airdrop
● 2%: participants and consultants
● 10%: founder
● 3%: generosity and marketing

With a mix of property types, we can find the best deals.

● 10%: industry
● 10%: land
● 35%: multi-family
● 25%: housing
● 20%: commercial

Most of the funds are related to project acquisition
● 5%: marketing
● 85%: approval of real estate, security, development, sales
● 10%: administration, operation, law

First round - 20% bonus
● Start date: February 14
● End date: February 21
● Token price: $ 0.10

Second Half - 15% bonus
● Start date: February 22
● End date: February 29
● Token price: $ 0.15

Third Final - 10% Bonus
● Start date: March 1
● End date: March 7
● Token price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% Bonus
● Start date: March 8
● End date: March 15
● Token price: $ 0

● APRIL 2018
Organizational Development
Make offers including Legal and Whitepaper

● July 2018
First team selection
Identify key team members, reach and location.

● September 2018
Core development team
To organize a team for the successful raising and planning and development of the project in the future.

● January 2019
Beta Social Development Network
We began to develop the concept and architecture of our response to gaps in social networks.

● MARCH 2019
Community development
Advocacy in the crypto world, including all major crypto media and channels.

● July 2019
Social Network Beta Development B
Proceed to the next stage of development of our social network.

● November 2019
Development and training team
Correctly recruit and post new members and prepare for launch.

● January 2020
Media, PR and Community Engagement
PR launch and blitz through social networks.

● January 2020
Raise funds with pre-sales bonuses and discounts, motivating investors.

Continue fundraising through stage 4 of the ICO.

● MARCH 2020
Continue to raise funds through IEO with a carefully selected partner.

● April 2020
Stock listing
After considering the exchange options, we will conclude an agreement and make a list on several exchanges.

● JUN 2020
Project start
Our team will research, identify, analyze and defend projects that meet our criteria.

● JULY 2020
Social network site completed
Members will benefit from a holistic online community.

Frederick Lund
Rubab arshad
Sean breezendin
Hamza khan
Daryl Naidu
Jc wren
Nick gray
Kenneth Jones

For more detailed information see the links below:

Author : kemi123
Bitcointalk :;u=2692033
ETH : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Selasa, 10 September 2019


SMATHIUM adalah platform loyalitas berbasis blockchain yang ditawarkan untuk disetujui yang mendukung program loyalitas tradisional. Aplikasi desentralisasi (dApp) di mana semua bisnis dapat membuat program hadiah loyalitas mereka yang didukung oleh token tunggal. Sistem poin loyalitas tunggal yang disatukan dalam pengecer on / off-line kecil di seluruh dunia yang melibatkan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kafe, restoran, toko kelontong, dan bahkan pusat belanja!

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kesetiaan program, loyalitas, mereka tidak menikmatinya sepenuhnya. Sebuah survei oleh CodeBroker menunjukkan 54% pelanggan memilih program Hadiah loyalitas mereka. Alasan mengapa hanya mengurangi perbedaan dan fakta yang diberikan hanya memberikan manfaat terbatas. Juga, menerapkan program penghargaan loyalitas yang sangat besar untuk dipindahkan sebagian besar bisnis.

Meskipun petahana seperti department store dan dapat menyediakan program-program yang diperlukan untuk perusahaan, perusahaan kecil dan menengah tidak bisa. Smathium menantang untuk menjembatani landasan ini dengan membangun platform penghargaan loyalitas multi-bisnis yang terbuka untuk semua jenis bisnis. Di platform jantung dari ini adalah tujuan buat nilai jangka panjang bagi pelanggan untuk melayani jangka pendek.

Pikirkan solusi kami sebagai Aplikasi Terdesentralisasi (dApp) di mana semua bisnis dapat membuat program hadiah loyalitas yang didukung oleh token tunggal. Token ini dapat digunakan untuk transaksi di semua bisnis yang terdaftar di platform kami dan dapat diperdagangkan di bursa. Tujuan Smathium adalah untuk membuat dApp di mana merek dapat menghubungkan program loyalitas yang ada dengan jaringan blockchain. Semua transaksi di ekosistem kami difasilitasi melalui token sekolah menengah yang merupakan cryptocurrency resmi kami.


Struktur Tertutup

Pelanggan tidak dapat menggunakan hadiah yang mereka terima di merek lain

Hadiah tidak mencukupi
Hadiah yang diberikan tidak mencukupi dan tidak menarik pelanggan.
Kurangnya Diferensiasi

Program-program Hadiah yang tidak dibedakan pada akhirnya membuat pelanggan terus berkembang.


Nikmati Manfaat Keanggotaan Seperti Department Store
Siapa pun termasuk bisnis aplikasi dan pedagang kecil dapat memberikan program unik untuk mereka sendiri kepada pelanggan. Juga, mereka dapat menyediakan program yang berbeda untuk pelanggan setia mereka.

* Contoh Makanan Smathium di pusat kunjungan

Pusat penjualan dapat memberikan manfaat yang sesuai untuk konsumen yang memberikan kupon sederhana

Koin Terpadu Tunggal

Pelanggan dapat menerima hadiah mereka dalam satu bentuk cryptocurrency alih-alih poin yang berbeda untuk setiap merek. Smathium menerima aset yang sah untuk para pelanggannya.

Manfaat yang dapat diperdagangkan
Merek yang dibeli dalam Platform Smathium dapat membeli dan menjual Manfaat. Selain itu, program Berbagi menjadi saluran penjualan baru untuk penjualan skala besar untuk merek.


Aplikasi berbasis blockchain Smathium akan segera diluncurkan.
Peluncuran aplikasi berita: Q2 2019
Peluncuran tambahan Aplikasi Layanan SMT: Q2 tahun 2019
Peluncuran tambahan Aplikasi Layanan SMT: Q2 tahun 2019


Platform pemasaran berkelanjutan itu sendiri, yang dikembangkan oleh para spesialis berhasil rupa mandiri akan membuat kategori masyarakat baru yang akan membeli dan skala seluruh sistem Smathium, akan memungkinkan untuk membuat semua ide ini.


Untuk memudahkan semua proses, para pemilik memilih teknologi Blockchain modern, dengan semua momen berikutnya yang didukung oleh kontrak pintar dan token internal (SMT). Pemasaran dirancang menyerupai rupa sehingga setiap sistem merek Smathium terasa tepat dan tindakan Smathium adalah hasil yang dipasok oleh tujuan merek dan pandangan langsung terhadap produk serta nilainya.

Smathium adalah platform loyalitas berbasis blockchain yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan tantangan utama yang mendukung program loyalitas tradisional. Aplikasi desentralisasi (dApp) di mana semua bisnis dapat membuat program hadiah loyalitas mereka yang didukung oleh token tunggal. Sistem poin loyalitas tunggal yang disatukan dalam pengecer on / off-line kecil di seluruh dunia yang melibatkan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kafe, restoran, toko kelontong, dan bahkan pusat pengeluaran. Smathium berusaha menjembatani berbagai merek dengan membangun platform penghargaan loyalitas multi-bisnis yang terbuka untuk semua jenis bisnis. Sebagai pengganti media yang terintegrasi antara pengguna dan merek, token Smathium dapat digunakan untuk transaksi di semua bisnis yang terdaftar di platform kami dan dapat diperdagangkan dalam transportasi.

Bagaimana cara memulai?

SMATHIUM adalah platform loyalitas berbasis blockchain yang ditawarkan untuk disetujui yang mendukung program loyalitas tradisional. Aplikasi terdesentralisasi (dApp) di mana semua bisnis dapat membuat program hadiah loyalitas mereka sendiri yang didukung oleh token tunggal. Sistem poin loyalitas tunggal yang disatukan dalam pengecer on / off-line kecil di seluruh dunia yang melibatkan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kafe, restoran, toko kelontong, dan bahkan pusat belanja!

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kesetiaan program, loyalitas, mereka tidak menikmatinya sepenuhnya. Sebuah survei oleh CodeBroker menunjukkan 54% pelanggan memilih program Hadiah loyalitas mereka. Alasan mengapa hanya mengurangi perbedaan dan fakta yang diberikan hanya memberikan manfaat terbatas. Juga, menerapkan program penghargaan loyalitas yang sangat besar untuk dipindahkan sebagian besar bisnis.

Meskipun petahana seperti department store dan dapat menyediakan program-program yang diperlukan untuk perusahaan, perusahaan kecil dan menengah tidak bisa. Smathium menantang untuk menjembatani landasan ini dengan membangun platform penghargaan loyalitas multi-bisnis yang terbuka untuk semua jenis bisnis. Di platform jantung dari ini adalah tujuan buat nilai jangka panjang bagi pelanggan untuk melayani jangka pendek.


Program Loyalitas Struktur Tertutup
Pelanggan tidak dapat menggunakan
Hadiah yang mereka terima di merek yang lain.

Hadiah tidak cukup
Hadiah yang diberikan tidak memadai dan cukup
tidak menarik minat pelanggan.
Kurangnya Diferensiasi
Tidak ada program
Buat pelanggan pergi.

Platform SMATHIUM Siapa Saja
Siapa yang Dapat Menikmati Manfaat Keanggotaan Seperti Mendapatkan Department Store

Siapa pun termasuk bisnis aplikasi dan pedagang kecil dapat memberikan program unik mereka sendiri kepada pelanggan. Berikan berbagai program kepada pelanggan setia Anda.

Contoh Manfaat Smathium di pusat penggunaan
dari Pusat Bantuan Dapat Menerima Manfaat Pengganti sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan alih-alih pemberian kupon sederhana.

Koin Terpadu Tunggal
Pelanggan dapat menerima hadiah mereka dalam satu bentuk cryptocurrency alih-alih poin yang berbeda untuk setiap merek. Smathium menerima aset yang sah untuk para pelanggannya.

Taksiran Manfaat
Merek yang dibeli di Platform Smathium dapat membeli dan menjual Manfaat. Program Asosiasi adalah saluran penjualan baru untuk penjualan skala besar untuk merek-merek ini.

Siap untuk debut Smathium, aplikasi berbasis blockchain baru akan segera diluncurkan.

Peluncuran aplikasi berita. - Q2 2019
Peluncuran aplikasi layanan SMT tambahan. - Q2 2019
Peluncuran aplikasi SMT-wallet. - Q3 2019


Token simbol: SMT
Total pasokan: 10 miliar SMT
Total penjualan: 4 miliar SMT
Harga Token: 1ETH = 20.000 ~ 25.000 SMT


40% dari penjualan
30% dari Pabrik Setia
10% pemasaran
13% Tim
7% Penentuan


Info lebih lanjut ikuti daftar ini:

Situs web resmi:


Melacak Token Resmi Smathium: token / 0x4b4787aace23eb70da046bcc0ccfe28d4e4fb899

Komunitas resmi Telegram:

Saluran Siaran Resmi Telegram:
Pejabat Media:
Twitter Resmi: https: //
Facebook Resmi:

penulis :  aa.aep

Jumat, 26 Juli 2019


Gli operatori vorranno sempre prendere in considerazione una serie di aspetti prima di iscriversi e utilizzare uno scambio di criptovaluta, ma uno dei più comuni saranno le commissioni di trading che verranno addebitate. Lo scambio dovrà fare soldi per mantenere le luci e questi soldi possono essere fatti in vari modi.

Possono prendere una riduzione di ogni operazione effettuata (che è ciò che praticamente tutti faranno) o addebitare commissioni per il prelievo o il deposito di valute. Alcuni faranno entrambe le cose, ma le commissioni di trading si troveranno in quasi tutti gli scambi di criptovaluta là fuori in questo momento.Le commissioni di trading possono essere molto alte in alcuni scambi di criptovaluta, con lo 0,50% sulle negoziazioni che è abbastanza comune. Esistono, tuttavia, numerosi scambi di criptovaluta molto più generosi.

Alcuni non addebiteranno commissioni per le marche (quelle che vendono valute), alcuni consentiranno persino ai guadagni di ottenere sconti e alcuni avranno una commissione fissa sia per i produttori che per gli acquirenti. Come commercianti, vorrai utilizzare scambi di criptovaluta più che equi con le commissioni di trading che addebitano, poiché queste commissioni possono valere parecchio (soprattutto se sei un trader regolare e serio).

Lascia che ti presenti ZoomEx, una nuova borsa di criptovaluta che ha il potenziale per essere popolare tra i commercianti a causa delle basse commissioni che addebitano.
ZooomEx - La tua grande scelta

ZooomEx è un nuovo scambio di criptovaluta che sarà lanciato ufficialmente nel 4 ° trimestre del 2019. Questo scambio cripto-cripto attualmente avviato a commerciare con 4 principali criptovalute: BTC, ETH, LTC, ARCT e la sua valuta nativa ZXE.ZooomEx offre un interessante aggiornamento per acquisire popolarità fornita basse commissioni di commercio. Di norma, tutte le commissioni di transazione sono fissate allo 0,05%, rappresentate dalla quantità di una particolare criptovaluta coinvolta. Inoltre, fino a settembre 2019, ZoomEx addebiterà commissioni commerciali - 0%.

Un altro aspetto eccellente di ZooomEx è che lo scambio offre eventi stagionali all'interno della piattaforma di scambio. Gli utenti di ZoomEx avranno l'opportunità di vincere premi preziosi, con il minimo sforzo.ZoomEx è lo scambio di criptovaluta che si concentra sui suoi utenti. Oltre alla funzionalità sopra menzionata, lo scambio offre anche un servizio clienti disponibile in russo, cinese e inglese.Inoltre, dal 24 giugno al 1 luglio 2019, ci sarà una vendita privilegiata di token ZXE. Questa è un'ottima opportunità per acquistare token al prezzo più basso, quindi il costo aumenterà in proporzione allo sviluppo del progetto. Lo sconto ZXE varierà a seconda del volume degli acquisti e raggiungerà il 50%!

Se sei interessato a partecipare alla vendita di token ZXE, segui il link, registrati ed effettua un deposito. Apri il commercio ZXE / ETH e acquista la quantità richiesta di token. Infine, questo articolo è solo un breve riassunto di Exchange Exchange Criptovaluta. Se vuoi saperne di più sui dettagli, puoi leggere il loro white paper tecnico disponibile sul sito Web o visitare il loro annuncio Bitcointalk.

Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile visitare il link qui sotto:




Selasa, 11 Juni 2019

apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek, 


 Anda harus membaca informasi

Dunia keuangan sedang terganggu dan diikuti oleh teknologi blockchain melalui adopsi berbagai mata uang digital. Dalam hal itu, GreenBit dirancang untuk menciptakan token yang berharga melalui ekonomi pertanian global dan membangun platform untuk proses pertanian dunia dan menciptakan ekosistem dalam satu pasar dan GreenBit diciptakan untuk menggabungkan makanan, produk sehat, alam semesta yang kuat, kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi, dan pada saat yang sama memanfaatkan manfaat pertanian dan ekonomi dunia.


GREENBIT? adalah mata uang blockchain CRYPTOAGRO terdesentralisasi pertama untuk Petani, Pedagang, Bahan Makanan, Industri Gabungan dan Konsumen, dengan perdagangan ekosistem dan entitas fisik yang unik pada komoditas pertanian paling banyak diperdagangkan di dunia dengan lebih dari satu miliar karyawan. GREENBIT? menyediakan sistem pembayaran terdesentralisasi yang dapat mentransfer nilai-nilai ini terlepas dari perbedaan perbatasan.



Ini adalah platform perdagangan aman untuk pedagang dan penyedia layanan rantai nilai. Central Farm Network, sebagai masalah pertumbuhan yang stabil di masyarakat dan penilaiannya, mereplikasi aset pertanian di seluruh dunia berdasarkan spektrum suara masyarakat dan spekulasi pasar.

Gunakan saluran pembayaran langsung untuk mentransfer nilai dalam milidetik. Transaksi yang sukses tidak pernah lebih efisien karena setiap blok di Greenbit dapat menjadi Hypercube Routing untuk membantu mempercepat, membuat struktur sangat fleksibel.


Pasar Agro-sekutu adalah pasar yang paling banyak diperdagangkan. Karena itu, ia dapat menangani jutaan transaksi aman per detik. Berkat Arsitektur Multi Greenbit yang unik.


Node-node yang berfungsi hanya melakukan pekerjaan yang bermanfaat, memaksimalkan efisiensi dan, setiap blok dalam Greenbit TON dapat menjadi Greenbit itu sendiri membuat strukturnya sangat mudah diakses dan fleksibel.

Token & ICO

Nama Token:
Nilai Token GBIT : $
Harga rata-rata per token: $ 0,50
Token untuk didistribusikan: 3,333,333,333,33 GBIT



Dari tim pengembangan GREENBIT


Dari tim pengembangan GREENBIT

Demikian sedikit ulasan yang dapat saya sampaikan, untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:
Situs web Whitepaper ANN Thread Bitcointalk Twitter Facebook Telegram

Situs web:

Senin, 10 Juni 2019

Bountie ICO


You are interested in joining the project, You must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Bountie is a platform for gamers in Asia. Playing games in this platform will not just be a leisure but can be as productive as earning for living. Through Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, our platform reduces the chances of fraud, high transactional fees and introduces a whole new experience in esports and gaming. Thus, alleviating the gamers problem and maximizes their money and time.

$1.5 billion in 2020 according to statistics due to the increase of brand investment. Bountie Platform will take this opportunity to create a perfect ecosystem for gamers and to find solution from different problems around this industry.

Bountie is a stage for players in Asia to take home bacon while they play their most beloved entertainments. They need to create a game Ecosystem that revolves around players, merchants and Bountie. Merchants are parties such as computer hardware organizations, for example, Razer, MSi, Dell Alienware and, in addition, entertainment designers such as Bluehole Studio Inc.

These merchants offer their items through Bountie to the players. Bountie also makes raffles and competitions that allow players to win objects. Bountie will also work intimately with merchants to gather criticism about the articles, make internal content around them and help them launch our approach to the players’ meeting. In this way, an Ecosystem is created where everyone needs everyone and a solid impact on the system that is reinforced as we scale.

Advantage using Bountie

This is a stage that allows players to profile, store details, coordinate influence activities, discover potential colleagues and, above all, have a good time with “genuine” bets included.

Win and live: possibility of receiving payments while playing and achieving something you value.

Competition, challenges and tournaments: a regular classification for players to compete and know their ranking among the best players on the planet. It also gives the players another motivation to have fun, achieving a useful life in fun.

Blockchain Innovation: Computerized cash tokenization would mean a “disposable” framework, making security particularly included when certifiable dollars are included.

Bountie uses calculations to match players with comparable skill ranges.This has a level of intensity to ensure reasonable and even matches.

Bountie’s encounter is kept new through the presentation of competition style classifications. These classification tables are revived as a clockwork mechanism. The players who best qualify in these tables will get an extra benefit over the rewards of the matches.

Players can earn Bountie coins by completing missions day by day. How to play x amount of recreations. Obtain x number of executions. Offer won through web-based network media, etc.

A component of pleasure for the moment is heated in Bountie. Players pay a small fee to participate in focused matches and earn instant income when they win these games. Due to specialized avoidance and extortion, Bountie will display “Pending Winnings” within the winner’s wallet;however, the Bountie Coins may move in seven days when the match has been verified that the jurors have won it reasonably and fairly (Bountie manager or a group of related players)

Bountie empowers players to join with teammates and play together their most beloved entertainment. The players can also play alone. In group-based matches, individual players will meet other players positioned also through the Bountie pairing framework.

Thus, creating an Ecosystem where everybody needs everybody and a strong network effect that strengthens as we scale

Revenue Streams

Twitch Streams
Youtube Videos
Platform Fees
Virtual Goods
Sales Commission
Transaction Fee

There’s a big possibility that the future eSports market will grow and get even larger. Therefore, Bountie aims to be middle ground that bridge the professional eSports player and the casual gamer. Allowing everyone to have a chance to make a living while playing the games that they love.

There will be a good deal of development on this platform. Like having a random match up against our Bountie Team that double up the Wager + a Bounty amount for the winning team. Our Bountie team will be sponsored to take part in international E-Sports Tournament to compete against the best in the world.

There’s also a plan to work with Game Developers to create games in 2018 that works really well with the Wager and Bounty concept. Games that are competitive, skilled-based and fun. This will ensure that Bountie has control over the direction for a number of games developed and built by Bountie.

No doubt that ecosystem like this, will surely attract players to join and use this platform and when this event happens, the only way for this project is to go up and take a leap in this industry through innovative blockchain and cryptocurrency. Investors should never miss this chance for greater opportunities within Bountie Project.

The problem we have to solve:
Gamers have limited ways to monetize their skills and time spent playing games.
Games lack the x factor to keep gamers interested in the game.
3.Only a small percentage of gamers can make money through games.
The majority of gamers love the idea of ​​participating in eSports but do not have the opportunity to compete due to competition and limited path to compete professionally.
Professional bodies find it difficult to find talented gamers because there is no centralized and massive platform where gamer profiles, rankings and statistics are available for public display and with high data integrity and accuracy.

The solution we propose:
Comes with a platform that lets gamers create profiles, store stats, game-makers, find team members and most importantly have fun with “real” bets.
A seasonal headline for gamers to compete and recognize their standings among the best players in the world.
Being able to get paid while playing games / doing something they love.
Giving gamers another reason to play games, resulting in longevity in the game.

Bountie will open registration for our very own Bountie Gaming Team in 2018. Gamers who wish to play and train full-time can join our Bountie Gaming Team. There will be a plethora of development from this. An intriguing example would be having a desultory match up against our Bountie Gaming Team. The rewards for the match would double up and an adscititious Bounty amount will be given to the winning team. Our Bountie team will be sponsored to take part in international eSports Tournament to compete against the best in the world. We withal have plans to work with Game Developers to engender games in 2018 that are competitive, adroit-predicated and fun. This will ascertain that Bountie has control over the direction for a number of games designed and developed by Bountie.


About the Token

Bountie coin will be engendered utilizing Ethereum’s ERC20 Token Standard as it enables us to control our coins in a formalised & standardised manner. We will be utilizing its functions to issue, distribute and control the Bountie Coin We will be implementing keenly intellective contracts on our Coin sales, platform functionalities like player to player wager, bellwether board pool split, pool to platform split and referral program for a commencement. The utilization of astute contract will sanction us to capitalize on the security that the Ethereum protocol provides without having the technical intricacy to monitor and execute the conditional logic needed for the above transactions. These transactions would then be verifiable via the blockchains, making fraud and tampering profoundly arduous to execute.

Presale Detail

200 Million Bountie Coins will be created, only 150 Million for Sale.

Token purchasers who join in our presale will receive a bonus in the form of additional tokens. Any unsold Bountie Coins will be burnt by the end of the token sale. All Bountie Coins held by the team will not be sold for at least 6 months.

45% of the funds will be allocated to build a world class platform that gamers will enjoy using. And also fueling the daily operational expenses like hosting fees, transaction fees, overheads, equipments and more.

25% will go to marketing. Our marketing budget wouldbe used to acquire customers to join our Bountie platform and ecosystem. Using digital ads, promotions, offline & online tournaments, referral campaigns to drive adoption and awareness.

Minggu, 12 Mei 2019
Good evening, to all cryptocurrency lovers this time I will give you information about a very interesting project that you can see in the new cryptocurrency named WISE . Before starting the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts that drive distribution and continue to grow in the future.

Wise is an innovative developer of mixed-on-chip analog systems that creates an eco-system that enables IoT applications and mobile devices to use distributed register technology while being supported by an integrated product development scheme. Enter this ecosystem by accepting our ERC20 token.

As we know, the blockchain is a general, unchanged and distributed ledger technology that can be used for operations with data distributed and decentralized. When creating analog, system-on-chip (AMS-SoC) mixed signals, which can be embedded in any physical object, use proof of ownership to provide consensus for registers distributed throughout the private block chain with public block chains as level two for Wise ICO Network, creates a large market for WSE utilitarian tokens, seeks to solve basic problems with the Internet so that these devices are connected and intelligent (through data exchange and compatibility).

The Blockchain property, such as lack of trust, decentralization, immutability, programability and security, provides benefits for IoT devices.

Development of the Blockchain-Mesh Solution – Wise Public ICO Network

WPBMN (the public block chain of the ICO network) is designed to connect IoT devices and provide infrastructure for M2M economics. To achieve this goal, the design of the WPBMN aims to achieve:

IoT is an ecosystem where “customers” initiate requests for services or information. There are also “servers” or “servers” that provide answers to these requests. Clients can be computers, tablets, cellphones, and other controllers who request this service.

However, not all services are connected to the actual internet. An important prerequisite for connecting a particular IoT ecosystem is the availability of cloud services to answer requests and services that are fully automated for this request.

The IoT Ecosystem can serve a variety of commercial and consumer applications. Many have heard various internet definitions about things: internet travel, internet taxis, internet technology, etc. In this ecosystem, final inexpensive devices and applications are generally used. To correctly fulfill request service requirements as IoT, the most typical functions must be referred to:

In the IoT ecosystem, increased user convenience is created.
The IoT Ecosystem offers increased productivity and profitability.
IoT Ecosystem reduces maintenance and / or service costs.

Only these three criteria can be said that IoT companies are involved in company activities.


Wise, is an innovative developer of the integrated signal-on-a-chip (AMS-SoC) analog circuit that empowers IoT and cellular networks through blockchain technology while introducing new concepts, radio-based IoT.

Enigma IC can use Wi-Fi or Cellular networks to communicate with other IC Enigma. In addition, microchips can communicate via their own radio waves at various frequencies and in locations where there is no cellular service or Wi-Fi. This feature opens up the whole world of IoT and the possibility of networking for remote locations.

Technology & FEATURES
Advanced circuits in very small prints.
Very low power consumption, minimal heat dissipation.
High performance.
Real time operation.
Highest reliability.


The WRC is a digital token created in the Enigma radio system. Tokens are made with each radio transmission and are original for blockchain technology. Tokens allow the purchase of IoT / Mobile related services available in decentralized application stores to access further capabilities. The WRC is made using a variety of sweeping radio frequencies encoded to achieve a sophisticated level of security. The WRC opens up the whole world the possibility to provide IoT network features that are similar to cellular app stores, worldwide.

IoT Challenges Solved by Enigma

IoT has caused major security problems that have attracted the attention of various public and private sector companies in the world.
Device interoperability

IoT will include billions of devices built by various companies that need to connect and exchange data without compromising security standards and overall performance.

Combined with GPS, voice recognition or embedded cameras, this can cause serious security and privacy threats.
Data Reliability / Availability

IoT generates large amounts of data but is not used efficiently. IoT devices require more mobility, computing power, and the capacity to store data. Wise Application
Autonomous Machine

Every autonomous machine is an IoT / mobile device and requires the highest data management and security level of communication.
Application Template

Because the Enigma ™ chip is equipped with mechanisms such as hash accelerators, hardware wallets, secured memory on board, and encryption machines; IoT devices will be able to become safe cryptocurrency operators, implementing blockchain technology
IoT / cellular based platform

The Enigma ™ chip can be installed in military / security applications, AI platforms, autonomous engines and more as a basic blockchain IoT processor.
DB management system

The Enigma ™ chip can be embedded on desktops, server applications, enabling the creation of new blockchain-based database systems for a broad spectrum of goals. WHAT IS THE ENTIRE ENIGMA’S ™ FEATURES
Mesh network

Every WISE device invests time “listening” to participate in the mesh. Unlike ordinary mesh where all components continue to burn, the WISE mesh works with the WISENET ™ smart-timing protocol.
Advanced Security

Each WISE device has a multi-layered security solution embedded in Enigma called wEYE. Our layered security solutions provide: connectivity protection, network protection, ECU protection, deterministic security.
Wisdom of machine learning

Enigma ™ AI is designed to be a machine learning system – important for intelligent machines. Sophisticated algorithms allow machines to understand the virtual environment and make their own decisions. This in time will reduce the number of programming concepts. Designing this algorithm, and using it in the most appropriate way, is one of the big challenges in the field.
wNet: Ownership, Private, Secure Communication Protocol, called wNET

The WISE device is designed to work together through a secure private communication protocol. This ensures confidentiality and privacy and creates enormous computing power and databases throughout the world. Microchip is an expert system for studying the behavior of distributed networks, turning them into artificial neural networks (ANN) to improve privacy and security. JARINGAN WISE – GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Government Support

Support from Costa Rica government through free trade zone agreements, broker / dealer licenses and former CR president on the advisory board.
Patented technology

Technology patents are delayed to use electronic transmissions from radio waves to create digital currencies.
Partnership with Public Companies

Existing investment from the Gopher Protocol (OTCQB: GOPH) and partnership to spread our microchips at 9400 department stores throughout the US.
20+ Years of Microchip Experience

The team has led engineering projects at Intel, DEC, IBM, and Qualcomm to build microchip hardware and software.
Revolutionary Microchip Technology

Microchip System on a chip (SoC) technology was first created for blockchain and IoT integration.


Project team:
Project contact information:

Bounty BTT:

Author : aa aep

Rabu, 08 Mei 2019


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, XCRYPT You should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission
Hybrid markets allow stockbrokers to have requests executed immediately in fully computerized electronic commerce or to direct them to the trading floor, where the request is solved physically through a more common direct closure strategy, in the presence of a pro representative. A fully electronic technique has a side up speed, completing requests on a regular basis in less than one time, but manual exchanges that are almost the same take nine seconds. 


Not by standing, direct sales techniques separate themselves from human communication and master assessments from the authorities, which are now considered outdated because most clients seem to be inclined to speed, and the NYSE is trying to rethink being pretended by professionals on the market. The NYSE is seen as the main case in the world half and half of the market. 

New disclosures have continually frightened humanity: fear of flight, fear of seeing the future, fear of innovation. The ongoing measurement shows that the use of Blockchain innovations involves not too many individuals among the total population, there is general sentiment of doubt about it. In contrast to this trend, xCrypt makes businesses dependent on special trademarks.

xCrypt is the main inventive crypto biological system with its heart in commerce: crossing, in accordance with securities and paying attention to the future of erc721, which is intended to be direct, pleasant, and imaginative. We believe that, sooner than later, many adjustments in the form of cryptography in the field of money will occur, as in the field of exchange and how the world is considered. This is the motivation behind why, after carefully building up the idea, because the host country allowed it, xCrypt chose that its need was to install security tokens, have the right and important commercial center for erc721 and carry out inventive elements in the association. with ICO.

Securities are budget resources that can be traded, for example, bonds, bonds, notes, alternatives, offers and warrants. What's more, in the event that we take the case of shares, you can understand that it is a route to claim a part in an organization without taking genuine ownership of it.

These choices are taken so that xCrypt can reward local people with no-cost trade, connecting with different individuals through the web-based social networking stage and monthly payments to holders by airdrop through a positioning framework. The XCT token is what makes it possible to profit from the administration of the xCrypt biological system and provides rewards to clients and holders who complete significant air drop creative strategies.

Blockchain innovation has changed the business world forever, and to improve things: ICO has become a safe and effective method for financing organizations and activities. By purchasing registration to the xCrypt stage, individuals will benefit from elite administration; participation is part of the various levels, depending on the size of the XCT purchased.

The current trading market, very little, but xCrypt needs to abuse it very extreme. Trading, in general, records several cryptocurencies and ERC20 altcoins, not making every event that the market takes. The form of cryptography and Altcoin now promoted is worth around 300 billion dollars, but the point where we see the following situation is advertising that makes us amazed. XCrypt looked briefly in the future and chose to build the Future confirmation phase, ready to get market progress. Here are additional qualities and contrasts between xCrypt and conventional trading

We are the main Ecosystem cryptto that offers the possibility to choose between Centralized / Decentralized Exchange, Debit Cards and groups of Social Media people under one single roof and then make sense to exchange ERC72, STO tokens.

XCrypt feature
Trading operations are fully compliant
Centralized & Centralized Exchange Platform
Pull FIAT from cryptocurrency | Save FIAT and cryptocurrency - Specially built trading bots Airdrop Ranking System
ERC 20 | Erc 721 | Membership
ZERO Cost | Effect token
Reliable digital wallet | 100% encrypted platform
Multi Language Platform | Fast deposits and withdrawals
Exchange FIAT and Cryptocurrency
Make payments with FIAT and cryptocurrency
Provide tutorials and webinars from expert traders
User friendly website interface and mobile application


Token Information
Token Name: xCrypt (XCT)
Token Type: Ethereum (ERC-20)
Total Suply: 200 000 000 XCT
Sales Token: 130 000 000 XCT
Sales value of tokens: 1 XCT = $ 0.10
Soft Cap: 1,500,0000 USD
Hard Cap: 7,000,000 USD
Payments Received: EUR, ETH, BTC, BCH, DASH, LTC and XMR

Author : aa aep