Selasa, 16 Januari 2018

MindSports contracts smart and blocks Ethereal



Backed by smart and blocked contracts of Ethereal, our decentralized platform allows users to host, bet, watch and play online intellectual games like Chess, Poker, Xiangqi, Backgammon and Go. We organize a variety of intellectual games compared to other traditional platforms. We strive to create a tough and vibrant community of players by providing incentives not just game participation, but also high quality user-generated content to the public. Such incentives will increase enthusiasm and awareness not only for this platform but also healthy and entertaining games as well as games around communities.

Mind sports is a modern term that came into use in the 1970s. It took a number of years for the concept of “mind sports” to distill into a clear definition. The umbrella organization for all international sports federations, SportAccord, classifies sports into five categories:

Physical sports

Mind sports

Motorized sports

Synchronized or coordinated sports

Animal-Assisted Sports

The 2011 Charities Act had adopted a definition of sports as “activities which promote health involving physical or mental health or exertion.”

Features of MindSports IO include the following :

Host Games
Create tournaments and determine the rules and token payouts for all party using
smart contracts.

Play Games
Challenge, discuss and learn to play over ten intellectual games.

Govern Games
Automatically part of the voting governance community to settle game disputes and get rewarded with MIND.

Use Token

Host Games

Create tournaments and determine the rules and token payouts for all party using

smart contracts.

Play Games

Challenge, discuss and learn to play over ten intellectual games.

Govern Games

Automatically part of the voting governance community to settle game disputes and get rewarded with MINDE


Use Token

Decentralized Game Hosting.
Users can host decentralized leagues and mind sports tournaments. Instead of creating community engagement and gaming, hosts are awarded MIND tokens for their contributions based on the number of participants and the number of tokens MIND made for their events.

Pre-Game, In-Play Betting
Viewers can also have the option to place pre-game bets and / or bets in games against certain games and players to obtain additional MIND tokens based on the payment agreement specified in the selected smart contract template.

Game Playing
Players will use MIND tokens as currency to challenge other players and join in tournaments in various intellectual games. MindSports provides a place where people can place token bets against others with confidence as transactions and games can be recognized by the public, and resist against counterfeiting.

Proceed token
5% Security
60% Product Development
10% Marketing
10% Admin and General
15% Mindsports Tournament
Allocation of Token
70% Token Sale (35 Million MIND Token)
15% Team and Advisor
5% Foundation
THINK 5% MindSports Fight
5% Development
Road Map and Project Results

Under the terms of MindSports IO, when players decide to start a game, both players will be required to send a certain amount of MIND tokens to a contract address designated by the opensource, algorithmic judge of the game. When the competition concludes, the judge will publish signed messages to the contract address, and the proceeds will be distributed to the winner. Through this escrow mechanism, the players involved can be confident that they will receive what they are entitled.

Front End Client
Our front end clients are HTML5 based and served from IPFS. The front end consists of web3js, IPFS.js, game logic and the game UI. Web3.js will be core component in the front end to handle Whisper P2P messaging and interaction with smart contract. IPFS.js will be responsible for retrieving historic game record, moves, data from IPFS.

Decentralized Logic Layer, Smart Contract
MindSports IO DApps Logic Layer consist of the following Smart Contracts:


Phase 1
Concept and Prototype development
We identified current problems in the mind sports landscape and addressed the issue by applying blockchain and smart contract technology to build the MindSports IO prototype and whitepaper.

Phase 2
Brand awareness
This is the prototype release which allows users to see our live demo during the pre-sale and official sale of our MIND Token.

Phase 3
Beta Testing Release
This is the initial release of MindSports IO. This beta release allows our Community to beta test our platformʼs features. The community can play poker and chess, and players can place in-play and pre-play bets with MIND tokens.

Phase 4
Platform Official Release
This is the first production release of MindSports IO. It includes new features, enhancements, and performance improvements. It is the public rollout of our platform and includes the ability to host decentralized mind sports events and tournaments through our DApps.

Phase 5
MindSports IO Features Expansion
The next phase of MindSports IO is intended to provide a better gaming experience, better smart contract functionality and better API support for developers

Meet The Team

Details Information:

Website :

Telegram :

Twitter :

GitHub :

WhitePapper :

Medium :

Penulis : aa.aep


ETH:  0x531afEc1cb3A25Df953b636635136BE8044864a5

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