Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

Blocked ecosystems combine a real and virtual world, creating an expanding level of reality. Digital Land

What is the Arcona ecosystem

Ecosystem Arcona creates a layer of Digital Land - augmented reality, which combines the physical and virtual world into an information environment that is closely connected with our real world. It is designed to interact interactively with the everyday user with increasing realistic content in real places and changing the real space around him, flying through smartphones, tablets or using headsets such as HoloLens or the like. On this digital land, everyone can rent a piece of land and start doing business on the AR platform. Everything will be controlled remotely, so you can do business all over the world without leaving your office.

The Arcona platform is developed by a professional team of PiligrimXXI. Since 2015, PiligrimXXI has been actively investing its own resources to explore areas of distributed GIS systems, advanced reality technology, 3D modeling, computer vision and artificial intelligence and is the first operation to launch IT in China, which is located on the international reality market. tourist industry.

PiligrimXXI allowed travelers to combine trips and travel in real time. We launched the world's first park of augmented reality, a total of 8 parks in 6 countries. Using a smartphone and an AR headset, travelers can see with their own eyes the wonders of the architecture of the past and see historical events in real time.

Arcona, will greatly benefit from driving traffic, especially forcing these travelers to come into the world and try Digital Land. What is Digital Land? According to Arkon, Digital Land is a layer of expanded reality that unites the physical and virtual world into an information environment that is closely connected with our real world. It is designed for interactive interactive interactive interaction with virtual reality and the realization of virtual reality in real places.

So why Arkona?

> Tourism and travel - large global industries

Tourism and travel (including accommodation services, food and beverage services, passenger transport services, car rental, travel and sports agencies, recreational and conference services), employment level and access to the tourism industry, the number of visitors and the amounts they spend.

In 2016 (10.2% of GDP), tourism spending and travel to gross domestic product (GDP) (including a wider effect of investment, supply chains and induced income) amount to $ 7,613.3 billion. And is expected to grow by 3.6% to $ 7,884.7 billion (10.2% of GDP) by 2017. It is expected to increase by 3.9% per annum (per annum) to 11.512.9 billion US dollars in 2027 (11.4% of GDP).

The money spent by foreign visitors to the country (or export of visitors) is a key component of the direct contribution of Travel & Tourism. In 2016, the world exports of 1.301.5 billion dollars. USA. It is expected that by 2017 it will grow by 4.5%, and it is expected that in the world will attract 1,297,780,000 foreign tourists. By 2027, the number of foreign tourists was estimated at 2,042,420,000 people, resulting in expenditures of $ 2,221.0 billion. The US, which is 4.3% more

With a conservative record, if your digital land catches only 1% of tourist and travel contributions, ie. 115.13 billion US dollars (11.512.9 billion US dollars at 1%) in 2027. The expected profits are large and will continue to grow> Качество продукта


The token owner will offer a price, have a lot of digital and receive a lease from the party used by other programs, from additional facts on the platform. Digital Land is the main asset of Arcona. You can buy, sell and rent land and 3D content using a standard ERC20 marker called arcona. Smart contracts for blocking guarantee copyrights and property rights. This system automatically pays royalties and rents the owner of digital assets.
Additional reality from Arcona
The technological revolution is replacing the world out of this world. Communication technologies are growing very fast, many scientists and designers are predicting many changes in our world full of gadgets. The goal of Arcona is to unite the real world and virtual into the space of information that has a relationship with the real world.


Arcona Ecosystem creates a digital zone, which is a layer of virtual reality that perfectly connects the real world and virtual with it. Enriched with a real location designed to mix multimedia content with daily interaction with the user. Using a smartphone, tablet or HoloLens device or similar multimedia
digital is the main component of the Arcona AR ecosystem and can be sold, leased or leased using the ERC20 speculator called Arcona. Using the Arcona marker, you can sell creative software or 3D content to the owners and users of the territory; They can enter special places in the Arcona ecosystem, encode, advertise, create content, etc. D. professional services, advertising, promotions, games, etc.
You can navigate a virtual place in your virtual space, and if not, you can change your location.
Arcona AR-ecosystem was developed by a professional team Piligrim XXI. We develop our solutions with 5 years of experience and passion
PiligrimXXI has been working on the AR development market since 2013, improving our experience with customers, enabling them to travel on time, showing how different sites and historical events have been in the past. In 2014, we launched the world's first park of augmented reality.
Currently, in 6 European countries and many other AR projects, 8 parks are growing. The company's income is 700 thousand dollars. Now our prototype prototype of computerized image processing is available as an independent platform for AR!
Since 2015, we have made significant investments in our own means for creating distributed GIS, advanced reality technology, 3D modeling, computer image processing and artificial intelligence research.

More information on ICO

• Number of issued tokens: 100,000,000
• Marker type: ERC20
• Base price: 1 Token 1 US dollar
• Hard cover: $ 35 million
• Start of ICO: November 27, 201
• ICO validity: December 27, 2017
• No evidence will be published after the ICO

Target for 2018

Quarter 1 - In this quarter, the launch and accounting market in the Arcona market will be introduced, and the development kit will be sold. The auction of the sale of land for the owner of the token will begin.

Quarter 2 - launching prototypes and applications for viewing AR with bonuses for scouts and testers.

3 rd quarter. Run the technical prototype of the AR Grid tool and remote positioning for the mobile platform.

4 th quarter. Run AR Viewer and run the program to get users to perform tasks on the field to get Arcona tokens

Token Arcona

The Arkon token is equal to the value of digital assets and is a universal online currency for the Arcona ecosystem. This token will be used to purchase all digital goods and services in the ecosystem. This Arcona token will provide the infrastructure needed to create a new digital layer in real space. This will allow this ecosystem to duplicate itself and be filled with diverse content. All holders of Arcona tokens will be able to subsidize the creation of the ecosystem. They will be provided or will provide an opportunity to receive payment in a token:

Final Project
• Development of blocks and software
• Check the system
Street card

For more information, please click on the link below:

Website https://arcona.io/

Whitepapper https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JbrIS5c-


Twitter https://twitter.com/arconaico

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/arconaico/

Bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324174.0



Author: aa.aep

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1105511

ETH:  0x806c47b11519aABe3e8f76ec6633853120443FF1

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