Selasa, 19 September 2017

Getting Data Moving - Meet The New Dovu Ecosystem

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network or Indonesian language called Content Distribution Network. CDN is a network server system to get content that is in the application / web to various users / users in various parts of the world so that data / content sent received faster. CDN is intended for websites or apps accessing from different parts of the world.

A web or app accessed online must have a central server that stores all web data. When someone accesses or uses a web service, the computer sends an http request to the server center requesting the data to be used. After that, the server will support the request and send the requested data to the computer request. This data can be web pages, videos, pictures and so on.

The request and reception process takes time. Processing speed is determined by several factors. One of them is the distance between server and accessing computer (client). The farther the distance, the longer it takes for the process.

Therefore, sites accessed from different parts of the world require another server that is placed in various places in the world for access in this area faster. This server is called a CDN server (CDNS). This CDNS contains the data - the data from the main server, so that when the client access the necessary web data and not from the main server, slowly from cdns so that the process is faster

To facilitate the spread of CDN was born BlockCDN.

What is BlockCDN?

BLOCKCDN is an intelligent CDN node deployment software based on open source Squid and combined with SDK and P2P technology. Based on the smart etereum system, BLOCKCDN not only allows unused broadband users to share idle network devices and upload traffic. The CDN system is distributed with smart etereum contracts that specify CDN mining, smart contract settlement and CDN trading market in one. Based on the smart etereum system, BLOCKCDN not only wants unused broadband users to share idle network devices and upload higher profit traffic without additional extras, but provides cheaper, multi-node, and faster CDN services For websites that need to be accelerated. Through online networking and checkout work, global network eye speaker BLOCKCDN shared idle devices (such as PCs, routers, TV boxes,BLOCKCDN is an intelligent CDN node deployment software based on open source Squid and combined with SDK and P2P technology. Based on the smart etereum system, BLOCKCDN not only allows unused broadband users to share idle network devices and upload traffic. The CDN system is distributed with smart etereum contracts that specify CDN mining, smart contract settlement and CDN trading market in one. Based on the smart etereum system, BLOCKCDN not only wants unused broadband users to share idle network devices and upload higher profit traffic without additional extras, but provides cheaper, multi-node, and faster CDN services For websites that need to be accelerated. Through online networking and checkout work, global network eye speaker BLOCKCDN shared idle devices (such as PCs, routers, TV boxes,

BlockCDN Development

With the development of mobile internet video, live video and HD 4K video, users' immediate demand for data and response times has been promoted, leading to a rapidly growing CDN business. The CDN market is expected to grow from $ 3.7034 billion in 2014 to $ 12.1637 billion by 2019, with a combined CAGR of 26.9% for this period and a long time to grow at high speed, According to a very large market and high market growth rates give BLOCKCDN an opportunity to deepen the industry, and provide a revolutionary distributed CDN To share the economy and connect billions of people willing to share. Provides full play not only on traditional P2P scheduling and smart CDN nodes but also for SDKs to apply changes in datasets to parallel, one way for multiple algorithms,

BLOCKCDN can easily upgrade smart devices to CDN nodes. In addition, the BLOCKCDN team actually captures and utilizes distributed CDN, on smart scheduling, dynamic hierarchical application deployment, DDOS dynamic defense and other core technology advantages. It has been effectively aware of the accelerated services for hot internet areas such as: Game downloads, mobile apps, video-on-demand, smart hardware, live streaming ,.

What are the benefits?

Unemployed equipment becomes a CDN distributor. PC, STB and mobile phones can be stocked to return.

Video, live, online games and other industries will significantly reduce CDN costs. • Smart contracts run automatically, open and transparent blockchain ledgers, buyers and sellers are automatically matched, and CDN price strength is given back to the market.

Super node completes smart scheduling

Global nodes and unlimited.Global nodes and unlimited.

Through crowdfunding or trading, users can get BCDN tokens and store them in the wallet. Website owners, requiring acceleration, just input the domain name and accelerated traffic, and the number of BCDN tokens in BLOCKCDN. Node distributors obtain BCDN tokens by uploading accelerated traffic, subject to intelligent contract contract blocks. He can not just store BCDN tokens in his wallet but also sell them on third party trading platforms to customers who need CDN. In addition, all data in the interaction process has been recorded and available for review at any time in the chaining block, which ensures equity and protection from harassment. The BLOCKCDN smart contract system provides an open, fair and open supermarket platform.You just have to open your wallet, and you can choose the best CDN service for you on the BLOCKCDN self-service trading platform. Accelerator and CDN accelerator suppliers are automatically traded on the system, eliminating the benefits of intermediaries and making distributors more profitable, and accelerating CDN acceleration cheaper.

Here is the BLOCKCDN acceleration purchase process:



The BLOCKCDN Token ("BCDN") plays a key role in the BLOCKCDN ecosystem. BCDN tokens are mainly used for the following purposes:

revenue receipts for distributors who have unused broadband
• Reception of BLOCKCDN system circulation
• In the BLOCKCDN network, a token for a CDN accelerator accelerator is required to purchase traffic

(BLOCKCDN) using valid traffic auction mechanisms, BLOCKCDN network will be more prosperous, more accelerators accelerate CDN, and demand for BCDN token quantity will increase rapidly, which may lead to an increase unit price of BCDN. While CDN purchase accelerators buy the same amount of traffic, the amount of BCDN tokens that need to be paid will be reduced, and no increase in legal tender. This allows accelerated CDN acceleration, without adding any additional costs, to enjoy token appreciation with the development of the BLOCKCDN system.

Here are the details of BCDN pricesHere are the details of BCDN prices

Team di balik DOVU COIN

Tim inti yang ada di balik proyek DOVU ini terdiri dari pengusaha, pakar komputasi data dan cloud computing, pengembang blockchain, konsultan bisnis, konsultan hukum dan pemasar. Dewan penasihat yang sudah mapan, termasuk mantan anggota dewan direksi Ethereal dan pengusaha yang telah membangun bisnis satu miliar dolar.

Team terdiri dari :
➧ Irfon Watkins (Pendiri and CEO)
➧ Arwen Smit (Co-founder, Kepala Pemasaran & Pengembangan Bisnis)
➧ Krasina Mileva (Co-Founder dan COO & Legal Counse)
➧ Alex Morris (Kepala Produksi)
➧ Tom Holder (CTO)
➧ James Guest (Kepala Produksi Blockchain)

Penasehat terdiri dari :
➧ Lars Klawitter (Manager Umum Rolls Royce Bespoke, mantan anggota dewan Ethereum)
➧ Rob Jones (Co-founder FanDuel, Pengusaha) 

They along with strategic investors, including government-backed funds and a large car company will try to make the project a success

Sales and distribution of ICO DOVU COIN

The token in this Digital Economic Mobility project is named DOV Token (DOV) and you can make transactions using Ethereum ERC20. DOVU supplies a token of 1,200,000,000 DOV. For the schedule of sales and distribution of ICO we can see the description below:
Whitepaper published: August 24, 2017
Pre-Sale begins (initial coin offering): 4 September 2017
End of Pre-Sale: September 29, 2017
Crowdsale Start: October 3, 2017
End of Crowdsale: October 31, 2017

Program & Bounty DOVU COIN

If you would like to know more about the progress of this project you can monitor Dovu discussion forums at ANN THREAD. Dovu also create a bounty program that we can follow with prizes prensentase given in following reasons:
Signature campaign: 25% DOV tokens
Translation campaign: 20% DOV tokens
Social media campaign: 35% DOV tokens
Blog campaign: 20% DOV tokens
And you can also see more details in bounty discussion forums on BOUNTY THREAD.
Next you can also get more information about Dovu you can see and visit: Website WhitePaper Facebook Telegram Twitter Blog

My Bitcointalk [aa.aep] :;u=1105511

My ETH Address : 0x806c47b11519aABe3e8f76ec6633853120443FF1

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