Senin, 12 Februari 2018

NODE - Gelombang elektromagnetik dalam bentuk pulsa dengan durasi dan frekuensi

"Best Friend Bloger". I will introduce a new project engaged in the storage and transmission of electricity used to transfer electrical energy using electromagnetic. "Let's get it together".

In theory to transfer energy through the magnetic moment of the atom of matter, which is the starting point for Node research. Node was created with the aim of developing and implementing the new commercial use of wireless energy transmission technology, developed and tested several years ago by a team of physicists from Russia.

There are two fundamentally different schemes being explored and improved by Node scientists:

In an induction coil or electrical transformer, which has a metal or air core, energy is transferred by a simple electromagnetic connection called magnetic induction. By using this method, the transmission and reception of energy becomes feasible at a considerable distance, but to obtain a significant voltage in this way it is necessary to set two coils very close to each other.
A magnetic / capacitive resonance clutch is used, where both inductors are tuned to a common frequency, so that a certain amount of energy can be transmitted over a considerable distance.

The core of the promising technology of the Node is the imposition of several electromagnetic waves in the form of pulses of different durations and frequencies with each other, after which it passes through the special ferroelectric material and electromagnetic lenses of structured metamaterials.

Remote and simultaneous power transfer to multiple devices with any power
This technology can be applied to any electronics
Make sense
Low cost and average, when compared with other solutions, the power transmission efficiency up to 90%
Smart design
Less cable and save more space. Convenient use and storage
Ergonomic and modern design
Good Control System and also performs a centralized control
Responsive which means easy to interact in a responsive manner
A cost at low expenditure will therefore increase a savings
Using an elegant design and also very interesting to give the impression
Stylish and environmentally friendly design.

Energy is transmitted in space (field), regardless of its position from the receiver in it 2 Great energy transfer distance
Receive surface (antenna) of any shape
Absolute protection against dust and moisture
Transfer energy while the receiver is in motion
Token NODE gives you a unique opportunity to invest in revolutionary technology products - wireless transmission devices for personal and commercial use. The current pooling pool of funds is intended to finance the production, marketing and sales of Node devices.

Pre-ITO will take place from 07.12.2017 to 07.01.2018. At this stage, bonus programs operate. All tokens buyers will be credited with a bonus of 0.5 tokens for each one purchased.

ITO will be held from 15.02.2018 to 15.04.2018. At this stage, there will also be a bonus program for "early" investors. In both phases, tokens can be purchased using BTC and ETH. The cost of one NODE-token will be equivalent to 1 USD.

More Information Visit Site:





Author: aa.aep


ETH : 0x806c47b11519aABe3e8f76ec6633853120443FF1

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