Selasa, 27 Februari 2018




Buzzshow is one of the first social networking video sites to adopt blockchain technology to provide platforms that put the interest of content creators, curators and viewers first.

Blockchain uses Goldies as a crypto that provides incentives for creating, sharing and viewing videos on BuzzShow. Platform members not only earn as creators of content, but also earn when they share videos and when they view videos.

This is the first fully developed social video network that lets everyone get involved in contributing and making money on the platform. BuzzShow is committed to ensuring that revenues generated from premium ads and subscriptions are distributed evenly between the entire "food chain" including content creators, curators, marketers and consumers according to their level of participation and popularity on the platform.

Most other video sharing sites retain about 50 percent of revenue from advertising, as in the case of YouTube using 55-45 percentage revenue sharing schemes, or storing overall revenue for themselves as in the case of Facebook and Twitter.

Under the creator and curator of this scheme content, it is compelled to share the remaining portion of income, despite doing most of the work. Buzzshow aims to disrupt industry by providing all parties involved in revenue generated from content creation.

Benefits for users

Different platform users will receive different rewards based on their contribution to the site. Specific benefits for each group are as follows:

The video creator will let Goldies create the content and add it to their channel and when the user watches the video. This provides an opportunity for video makers to create multiple streams of revenue. They can also charge a premium if they wish.

Video curators will receive Goldies as long as they share videos or view videos on the channel.
Viewers get Goldies while watching videos on the platform, and they can use these Goldies to pay for premium content from their favorite creators.
Advertisers can purchase Goldies to pay for advertising space from a specific curator or creator.

The verification process verifies the ads that are in the video to ensure marketers are only marketing based on ad space. This validator uses Goldies to pay.

The presenter earns Goldies by verifying the content of the creator in accordance with the terms and conditions. They mark issues such as racism and inappropriate content to ensure users do not violate their requirements.

Developer / Platform Maintenance Some Goldies are available to them. In addition, they are based on plugins and upgrades that are introduced to the platform.

Buzzshow will provide storage options through an agreement with other decentralized storage companies and allow content owners to pay a small fee to save blocked videos.


Why BUZZSHOW is different?

BuzzShow Stage 1 has been developed, tested and provided online. Product development and testing
When the platform is only in the conceptual stage, most token sales begin, only with white documents to support the funds collected during the sale. BuzzShow Token sales differ. We provide platforms for development and testing and will use these funds to work with blockchain technology and quickly develop a strong user base.

How does it work?



The team needs public support for platform development. There are 150 million Goldies Tokens that 62% will be used for Crowdsale. 35% of attractive funds are used in business development and marketing activities, while 25% of funds are reserved for research and development.




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