Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017


This time I will explain the safety of Airline flights. Aviation Safety is a term that includes theory, investigation, and categorization of flight failures, and prevention of failure through regulation, education, and training. It can also be applied in the context of a campaign that informs the public about the security of air travel.
Based on the current number of flying, this would equal 7,000 fatal incidents per year. Of 310 million passengers in 1970, air transport has increased to 3,696 million by 2016, led by 823 million in the United States and 488 million in China.

Aeron is the solution available for public audit and can not be falsified, by taking this step, the same system can be applied to aircraft, record, and spare parts tracking, to ensure that parts are genuine and whether maintenance has been done to standard.

The way Aeron reduces this tragedy
The flight log record is closely related to the integrity of the recording or black box, but the contents of black box recordings are highly confidential and not transparent. However, the current system is not equipped with facilities to handle the number and variety of aircraft operating worldwide. It is not very transparent.

The combination of smartphones and Blockchain technology will eventually replace paper records, the concept of "Airline in the Pocket", a concept developed by Aeron. Aeron will work with national aviation authorities and international aviation agencies including EASA and FAA.

1. partial maintenance and tracking of aircraft
2. Licensed private pilots operating worldwide
3. small aircraft database and flight school database and online portal
4. Measures such as leasing small aircraft or charter, all will be recorded in blockhain and executed with smart contracts.

Aeron has a simple and scalable business model. If a transaction involves the payment of a concluded partner (such as an aircraft charter or flight reservation), Aeron takes a small percentage (ranging between 2% and an average ~ 5%) of the total considerations the user pays. Payments initially processed by traditional payment systems in online portals, fiat and crypto will be added as an average payment to jurisdictions where possible. Payments are also possible with Aeron tokens, introduced in this document. To register for Aeron access writing with log entry, Aeron will charge a small transactional fee, this is a link to our Whitepaper.



Aeron (ARN), an Ethereal based ERC20 set, with a fixed supply of 100,000,000 ARN. During the token launch, a fixed number of ARNs are created, and after that, no more tokens are printed. Evidence of flight utilities was created to fund the development and marketing of Aeron projects with distributed databases, online portals, and related applications, as described in this document.
we introduced Aeron (ARN), an Ethereal based ERC20 set, with a fixed supply of 100,000,000 ARN. During the token launch, a fixed number of ARNs are created, and after that, no more tokens are printed.
Overall ARN supply will decrease over time because the token is taken from Circulation, for example when someone with ARN loses its private key, therefore, ARN will become effective deflation. As soon as Aeron receives ARN for a particular service, then a portion of the amount received is distributed to the token holder of Aeron, this is very safe.

For more information visit the link below :

Whitepapper: :
Tim whitepapper Aeron
Bitcointalk : Bitcointalk Official
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Slack : Slack Undang
Telegram : Saluran Telegram
Medium: Medium Channel
Reddit : Reddit Channel

Github : Sumber pada Github

Author : (aa.aep);u=1105511

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