Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Earth Token — Participate in Natural Capital

Earth Token — Participate in a joint asset market worth 120 trillion dollars

Hello All meet again with me Rachman Mahesa, This time we will destroy Earth Token, What is Earth Token? Let’s talk together until you understand.
In this life we need the name of an asset or more into the investment, This time we discuss not just any readers. Earth Token is an asset market but this is different because the amount is worth 120 trillion dollar, really a very extraordinary amount.
For that let us jointly Anticipate in Earth Token in the asset market worth 120 trillion Dollar. Karna Time for her Pre-sale stay 22 Days from me writing this article. Do not let you stay together to join or invest in Earth Token. Your future is secure with an asset market.
What is Earth Token?
The Natural Asset Exchange blockchain platform and the sale of Earth Token’s original signature tokens tokens provide a unique opportunity to completely transform the Natural Capital Asset market, creating a Natural Asset Marketplace that enables all stakeholders in the value chain to participate.

Natural Asset Exchange Market?
Simple solution to complex problems

The Natural Asset Exchange blockchain platform and the sale of Earth Token’s original signature tokens tokens provide a unique opportunity to completely transform the Natural Capital Asset market, creating a Natural Asset Marketplace that enables all stakeholders in the value chain to participate.
Solutions for the demand side?
The solutions described below serve to drive demand for Natural Assets through the provision of unique environmental sustainability solutions. Our technology allows our clients to tackle climate change adaptation, and create differentiated values that help them build brand equity & increase market share.
- Carbon Mitigation Together with our supply-side partners, we have enabled organizations of all sizes to compensate for the negative impact on the environment due to their business operations, since 2009

.Our technology platform and business model allow clients to identify and share environmental impacts and mitigation efforts against specific activities related to delivering products or providing services.
Once the mitigation mechanism and associated costs have been determined, our solutions enable clients to engage their customers in their businesses, distribute the burden and opportunity to be environmentally responsible with everyone who wants to participate, expand their reach and increase the impact of those efforts across their region. value chain.
Climate Neutral Fuel Neutral Fuel Solutions Our climate is a turnkey approach to fuel management that improves operational efficiency of internal combustion equipment, such as vehicles, generators and other assets essential to businesses and industries.
Combining proven technology with asset monitoring and management capabilities results in improved fuel efficiency, reduced fuel costs and harmful emission reductions associated with fuel combustion. The integrated mitigation mechanism also allows customers to compensate for residual emissions.
Customers typically experience net financial gain by implementing our Climate Neutral Fuel solution resulting in savings that they can use to fund additional environmental conservation efforts.

- Waste-to-Energy— is the process of generating energy from a primary waste material by creating synthetic fuel from the material and using that fuel to create energy.
In conjunction with strategic business partners, we provide gasification plants capable of converting carbonaceous raw materials such as biomass, coal or city solid waste into synthetic gas (Syngas).
The resulting syngas are clean, dry and flexible fuels that can be burned to create heat and electricity. It can also pass through various catalysts to produce liquids such as alcohol and transportation fuels, including clean-burning diesel, or used to supply pure hydrogen gas that can be used in multiple applications in various industries.
I Spend for you once again to join Earth Token as it is one of the asset markets, Do not be afraid for those of you who want to join. Karna in the details of the company has been very tebukti, Make your future becomes more beautiful.
How? For those of you who want to join or invest and you are still curious, just go to the website below that I put.
  • Earth Token Team:

Company Details:
  • Company Name: impactChoice Ltd
  • Registration Number: 087692 C1 / GBL
  • Date of Incorporation: April 17, 2009
  • Jurisdiction of Law: Republic of Mauritius
  • Type of Company: Category 1 Global Business License
  • Annual Finance: 1 July — 30 June
  • Corporate Secretary: Intercontinental Trust
  • Partner Audit & Tax Filing: Margeot & Associates
  • Alamt Registered: Level 3, Alexander House, 35 Cybercity,
    Ebene 72201, Mauritius
More Information :
by aa aep;u=1105511

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