Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

GENESIS VISION — The First Decentralized Platform for Management

Currently the platform for private confidence management markets built on Blockchain and Smart Contracts technology, is extremely difficult to find. But a breakthrough comes from Genision Vision.
Genesis Vision is a platform for private confidence management market, built on Blockchain and Smart Contracts technology. Genesis Vision combines exchanges, brokers, all traders and investors into a decentralized network to help private entrepreneurs become more advanced and modern, by making global financial markets even more.
From a technological standpoint, the traditional fiduciary management system is a black box for potential investors, because the way it works is not always known or understood.
After all, all current solutions boil investors using some software to transfer money to financial managers and then wait to receive profits.
However, investors have no opportunity to control their own funds. Furthermore, the fiduciary management system itself does not give investors the technical ability to ensure that their funds are returned, nor does it give an understanding of how the money is used.
Investors receive statistics on the use of assets and performance of their financial managers, but these statistics are determined entirely by companies and financial managers.
Currently, investors basically have no way to verify this information. Too often, the real situation is understood too late, when the money can not be restored.
Dishonest companies are exploiting this, planning to attract customers by using very high numbers that turn out to be less promising in reality.
Our system adds transparency and, at a technological level, improves the security of assets and reliability of information.
Decentralization guarantees that one person will not be able to use the entire system for his or her own interests.
Description The problem

Despite steady industry growth, existing trust management mechanisms do not meet the requirements of modern investors and managers. Managers, and consequently their investors, are tied to their brokers. Simultaneously, there is no reliable source of consolidated information or statistics This prevents investors from choosing and limiting their choices of managers’ ability to attract new funds.
Genesis Vision has a ‘Solution’, Our solution is a decentralized trust management platform built on blockchain technology and smart contracts.
Blockchain technology provides the indispensable advantages, such as openness, eternity, and censorship of all stored information, while smart contracts, which will invest and
profit distribution, making this process completely transparent and open.
Every manager on the Genesis Vision network has its own crypto. The size of the problem depends on successful trading statistics The process of transferring funds to managers is done by buying a cryptocurrency manager on an internal exchange.
From the manager’s side, the trading process will not change. Merchants will continue to operate in exchange or through convenient brokers.
Genesis Vision, in turn, is a reliable open source public information about network activity participant statistics and systems that are completely transparent investment and profit distribution, built on intelligent contracts.
Connecting Managers

Merchants apply either through their broker’s website, connect to the Genesis Vision network, or directly through the website.
In simple conditions (having a minimum amount of someone owning funds in a trading account), the trader becomes manager on the Genesis Vision platform.
From that At this time, all manager transactions will be automatically verified, uploaded and recorded in smart contracts, historical buildings and trade statistics
can be trusted.
The registration of a new manager triggers his own crypto emissions in the initial number of a thousand
coins, available for purchase to any network member. The additional issue of the coin (ie the appeal of funds to management) depends on the level of manager, which, in turn, is directly dependent on the success of a particular manager’s trade indicator.

The manager uses the capital and funds invested by the investor. Gains received as a result of Trade are automatically distributed proportionately between the managerial token holders at the end of the reporting period.
Managers themselves choose the length of the reporting period, according to their trading strategy. The options are limited to options such as one week, two weeks, one month or three months to come.
Genesis Vision Fund

5% GVT will establish the Genesis Vision fund. The tokens of these funds will be invested regularly in the manager’s successful platform. We plan to keep funds running regardless of the profits it generates, always stimulating the Genesis Activity manager’s vision.

The main objectives of the fund are:
- Attract managers in the system and stimulate their activity
- Provide additional GVT liquidity on the exchange
- Provide additional token manager liquidity
Genesis Token Vision

  • Genesis Vision has its own token: GVT (Genesis Vision Token). GVT is based on the token standard Ethel ERC20.
  • GVT will be used for all investment operations, profit distribution, and token trading manager in internal exchange.
  • All tokens will be created during the ICO period. The number of tokens is limited, and subsequent token publishing is technically impossible. The tokens that were not sold during the ICO were burned.
  • GVT is based on Ethereal blockchain. Its implementation is in accordance with widely accepted standards. This allows the token holder to easily store and manage it using the applicable Ethereal wallet.


  • 10.000.000 pieces will be sold with GVT option program. (SEPTEMBER 15, 2017–15 OCTOBER 2017)
  • GVOT30 = 30% bonus for first 20% = total 2.600.000 GVT
  • GVOT20 = 20% bonus for the next 30% = total 3.600.000 GVT
  • GVOT10 = 10% bonus for remaining 50% = 5,500,000 GVT in total
    the remaining GVTs will be offered for sale as 1 GVT = 1 $ in ico process.

  • The recent ICO campaign identified a number of problems in this process:
    People who have been following the project for a long time can only be late to invest the money.
  • The number of transactions in the first minutes after the launch of ICO created difficulties for ICO investors and other users of Ethereal blockade.
  • Due to the spread of investors geographically, the participation of many of them may be augmented by the fact that the ICO launch fell on a deep night in their time zone.
  • Initial investment bonus is often given not to the first true supporters, but for those who succeed to be the first to conduct transactions in blockchain.
Team Genesis Vision
Advisors Genesis Vision

For Genesis Vision Official Information:

by aa.aep;u=1105511

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