Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Soma -" A Social Network On Which You Can Profitably Buy And Sell"

Social networks have several varieties: some are just for communication and self-expression, others are professional, others are for dating. Recently, a special popularity has been acquired by networks where you can buy or sell something.

Many people prefer to make purchases on such platforms, especially those who are familiar with the Internet more than once. The opportunity to buy a thing or product remotely is good because it is very convenient and does not require special efforts.

The main advantage of making purchases on the Internet is saving time. Most likely everyone when visiting a regular store faced the situation when it is necessary to find a consultant, then wait until they bring the right product and, in the end, stand in line. In addition, you need to get to the store, and this time, which with the current rhythm of life and so is not enough.

In addition, the network can also give feedback about the product or the seller get, which is not always possible when buying goods in stores. And if such a platform gives also an opportunity to earn on reviews, she should also be given the palm tree of the championship.

In this article, I present to you the Soma project https://soma.co/ru/, which as of today conducts ICO to raise funds for the development of its platform.

Soma embodies the well-known ideas of traditional social media platforms (for example, the ability to mark a page as you like and share materials) and at the same time uses blocking technology to encourage users to increase social involvement.

Soma is a trading platform where users can conduct safe and secure trade transactions among themselves in a decentralized environment. The platform encourages users to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation, as a result of which members of the Soma community are able to trade their own products on a protected and active platform. The Soma reward system provides a mechanism in which each user contributing to the creation of a social value (advertising another user's product or commenting on the product) will be awarded with the Soma Community (SCT) tokens.

On the Soma site, users can use a variety of payment methods, for example, payment by traditional (traditional) currencies, payment by bitcoins or several major crypto-currencies. With the expansion of the community, the popularity of SCT will also increase. Thus, this is likely to lead to widespread use of SCT as a payment method within the Soma platform for operations and increasing social significance.

Users can place deposits for use on the Soma platform using any customary methods, for example, using credit / debit cards, Paypal, bank transfers, etc. After placing the deposit, users can transfer funds to their own Soma account. Each payment within the platform occurs using cryptobuttons, but prices are displayed in the currency of currencies to promote the development of a culture of using the crypto currency of average consumers who may not be familiar with crypto-currencies.

To resolve disputes between the buyer and seller situations in Soma, a system based on the use of arbitrators is used, according to which the arbitrators act as trusted third parties between buyers and sellers in transactions on a decentralized trading floor. Arbitrators receive rewards, which are defined as dynamic commissions established when creating an offer for the sale of goods. Soma implemented a rating mechanism that allows assessing all three parties involved in a particular operation. Arbitrators are determined after the final confirmation of the transaction, which is carried out by the buyer.

The Soma project will very quickly gain popularity, but at this stage it needs funds for development. From September 25 to October 26, 2017, an initial offer of tokens (ICO) is held, at which 450 SCTs can be bought for 1 ETH.

To date, about 6.5 million SCTs have been sold.

More information about the ICO, the development team, the Soma project itself, you can read here:









My Bitcointalk [aa.aep] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1105511

My ETH Address : 0x806c47b11519aABe3e8f76ec6633853120443FF1

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